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  • Ticks are not insects, although they are often
mistaken for them. Ticks are actually classified as 
arachnids, or relatives of spiders, scorpions and 
mites. If you look closely at a tick when identifying
it, it kind of resembles a spider with its four pairs 
of legs and lack of antennae.
  • Did you know that ticks require a blood meal to survive. That’s right! Ticks require blood for sustenance. Blacklegged ticks, for example, primarily feed on the blood of white-tailed deer, but they will also bite mice, small wild animals, birds and humans.
  • Ticks don’t jump or fly. Instead, they crawl up low brush or grass to find a host. Then, they clasp on with their back legs and reach their front legs out to grab onto a passing animal or human. This process is called questing. Sometimes, they even drop from their perch and free fall onto a passing host. Talk about a risky move!
  • Some ticks species, like the American dog tick and brown dog tick, prefer dogs as hosts. Unfortunately, dogs are often easy targets when playing in the yard or going for a walk in wooded areas. If you’re a pet owner, don’t forget to check FIDO frequently for ticks, especially after walks or playtime, and regularly wash bedding and plush toys. If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, be sure to check it regularly for ticks too.
  • Unlike many other biting pests, ticks are adapted to feed for long periods of time. They bury their curved teeth deeply into the skin of a host, so they can remain securely attached for days on end to eat. It’s important to note that ticks typically require 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successfully transmit infections like Lyme disease, so prompt removal is crucial.
** Were you surprised by any of these tick facts? Ticks may pose a threat to our health, especially during the summer when people – and pets alike – spend increased amounts of time in the great outdoors. However, that doesn’t mean we all have to stay bunkered down on house arrest when it's beautiful weather outside. If you plan on taking advantage of the warm weather, call the Mosquito Guys to get your yard or living space ready for any occasion.
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